Moos Burgers
November 28, 2017Home Sweet Home...
I'm baaaaack!!! Missed me? (even if you haven't, here I am so tough 😝). I know It's been forever (and a day) since we last talked... So.... just to appease the Gods, I didn't come empty-handed; I come bearing gifts; 2 (plus) years worth of content (I promise you, my hiatus was not in vain) ...
For month's I've been stuck on how to get back to blogging... Do I just post like nothing ever happened? I mean, how does one start talking to people after years of silence (the audacity right 😆 )? Since I can't figure it out, I guess the best way to begin, is to take you guys to my home town...
For month's I've been stuck on how to get back to blogging... Do I just post like nothing ever happened? I mean, how does one start talking to people after years of silence (the audacity right 😆 )? Since I can't figure it out, I guess the best way to begin, is to take you guys to my home town...

My hometown is Nyahururu Town for as long as I can remember it was our destination of choice (well kind of) for all Christmas and easter holidays.
Anyway, for the longest time
Anyway, for the longest time

I have some guests visiting Panari Nyahururu this Easter and this definitely helps in understanding this property. Thank you, Lenana.
Karibu sana 🙂